Season 1: Kanto

001 - Shades of Your Journey Await
002 - The Eternally Green Paradise
003 - Between Rugged Mountains
004 - Mt. Moon
005- The Floral Lagoon City
006 - The Port of Exquisite Sunsets
007- S.S. Anne & Diglett's Cave
008 - St. Anime Conclusion
009- Rock Tunnel & The Power Plant
010 - The Noble Purple Town
011.1 - The City of Rainbow Dreams
011.2 - The City of Rainbow Dreams
012 - Behold! It's Passion Pink!
013 - Safari Zone
014 - The Shining Golden Land of Commerce
015 - Seafoam Islands
016 - The Fiery Town of Burning Desire
017 - Victory Road
018 - The Ultimate Goal for Trainers